The 5-Year Plan

Saturday, January 31, 2015

After turning a year older and entering a new quarter of my life, I sat down and got to work on my 5-year plan. I was flabbergasted to note that I had never really laid down medium- to long-term goals for myself, though I always had some ideas on what I would like to achieve in my lifetime. 

I have four years to achieve my 5-year plan (because I consider last year essentially a part of those 5 years). These are some of my goals.

  • Have a happy and contented marriage with B, as evidenced in small tokens of love, respect, understanding, compassion and forgiveness.
  • Manage early education of A and Baby#2. Ensure they learn about good manners and proper decorum. Inculcate values of hope, faith, love, honesty, respect, hard work and personal fulfilment. Teach them about God and being good.
  • Consistently celebrate family milestones, especially birthdays, anniversaries and major achievements.
  • Plan and execute at least 1 week-long family vacation every year.
  • Cook for the family at least once a week.
  • Net worth must be at least PHP X in assets and investments, not including real estate investments. The amount shall include  cash, stocks, mutual funds, and insurance fund values.
  • Total combined assets with B must be at least PHP Y in assets and investments, including real estate investments.
  • Visit at least 1 new country per year. Target to visit Japan, Korea, UK and France.
  • Visit at least 1 new travel destination in the Philippines every year. Target to visit Batanes, Ilocos Norte, Palawan and Davao.
  • Donate monthly to an organisation of choice, preferably one for children.
  • Donate annually to the ASF.
  • Volunteer at least one weekend per year for those in need through a reputable NGO.
  • Blog about women empowerment at least once a quarter. Support women in the workplace.
  • Learn and understand world history and Philippine history.
  • Learn photography. Take good photos.
  • Learn Photoshop.
  • Learn basic web design. Design your own personal website for your writings and photos.
  • Learn how to run properly. Run a marathon.
  • Learn how to be a good swimmer. Finish an aquathlon.
  • Learn how to bike. Finish a duathlon.
  • Join and finish a triathlon.
  • Finish an MBA or CFA.
I have so many goals and so little time left! Wish me luck!

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  1. Godluck to your plans, Tammie. I know you can do it. And also, hi to A and Baby#2. 😀


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