Remembering Love (Part 2)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

20 December 2013
Chapel on the Hill

Katharine Hepburn once said, "Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything." Today, my dearest B, I give you my heart, my mind, my soul. I give you my trust, my hopes and dreams, my time, my love.

I give you my full support as you pursue your goals and aspirations. You will always have me as your number 1 fan during your triathlons and your loudest cheerleader each and every time you succeed. You will find me beside you through your darkest days, holding your hand as we wait faithfully for the lights and the rainbow.

I give you what little strength and courage I have as we face each day together as partners, parents and best frenemies. We may not see eye-to-eye on many things but we are stronger together when we choose to be.

I give you my trust, my wholehearted trust, that I can be myself with you, with my flaws and my weaknesses. I trust that I can be my most vulnerable with you, without fear of judgement and rejection. I give you my whole self, no masks, no walls, just me.

I give you my hopes and dreams, weaving them with yours, working towards them with you. I give you my choice to choose you among all the voices that ask and demand for my time and attention. I give you my promise to put you and our marriage and our family first, with God as our strength and hope.

I am grateful for God's blessing that is you.  You have never given up on us, never faltered on your promise to take care of me, never left me alone since the day I said yes to you.

Thank you for loving me without fail. Thank you for taking me back, your prodigal wife. Thank you for never asking me to change, for simply showing me through your example how to be a better person. Thank you for inspiring me to take flight, to be free, and thank you for happily welcoming me back each time I come home. Thank you for helping me find the Lord in your faithful love.

I love you, B. Peksman.

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