Remembering Love (Part 1)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

At 12 in the morning, I decide to stalk my own husband's Facebook page. Wide awake and too exhausted to go back to sleep, I read through some of his old posts. What I find and remember make me want to cry.

I remember the sweet man of few words who would randomly express his appreciation and support for me on social media. I remember his fond farewell of his first car, the same car where our love story began. I remember his joy in choosing his bride and the mother of this child. I remember his excitement for the birth of our first child and his pride in our fierce little warrior. I remember his tradition of celebrating the qualities he likes most about me every year on my birthday.

It hasn't been easy for the both us since we got married and started raising a child. It hasn't been as sweet and romantic, as kind and thoughtful, as warm and loving. We've both changed and the relationship has changed. In a whirlwind of diapers, work, long commutes, chores, errands and travels, I feel we've just forgotten about taking care of each other.

This year, I have one major goal - to be a better wife to my husband. I haven't been like that for a while now. I've forgotten how to be a loving partner. It's been easier for me to blame my husband for the shortcomings of our marriage rather than look to my own faults and weaknesses. It's become a habit for me to shove problems under the rug and wish they would magically disappear.

I have my starting point. Thanks, Facebook.

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