To Our Baby Girl

Saturday, February 21, 2015

To our dearest baby girl,

Six months have passed since you started growing in my tummy. I suspected you were a girl when I started getting the sniffles and sneezes after just a month - I cannot explain why or how; perhaps it is simply a mother's intuition. I must admit that I had hoped for another boy, for another son who could be your brother's playmate. I had wished for another boy so I could remain the sole lady of the house. I'm sorry if that made you feel slighted or unloved. That is my first apology to you, one among the many in the days, weeks and years to come.

We are all very excited to finally meet you. Your Tatay is happy that he is getting a little princess, in the same way that I have my little prince. Your brother now pokes my belly from time to time to catch glimpses of your little punches and kicks. Your aunts, grandmas, ninangs and titas are eagerly preparing your small pink outfits with matching shoes and accessories; you will never go out of style. 

Since you started living in my tummy, I suddenly developed a penchant for make-up (especially red lipstick), dresses, high-heeled shoes and Taylor Swift. Indeed, many suspected your gender early when I started taking on a more feminine approach to life. I have no doubt in my mind that you will be smarter and more beautiful than your Nanay. 

However, let me be the first to tell you that beauty is far more than possessing a pretty face and charming wit. I want you to grow up to be beautiful on the inside too. There are a few things that I want you to understand before you fly out of the nest, and I hope you will take these things to heart. There is wisdom behind some of Taylor Swift's songs.
  1. FEARLESS. Be brave and be strong. Listen to your own voice and don't be afraid to speak up. Never apologise for who you are but make sure to learn from your mistakes. Make your own path. Sometimes you will need to go at it alone; Nanay and Tatay will be with you all the way, especially when you feel most alone. Believe in yourself and in what you are capable of. Believe in your dreams and your power to change the world. 
  2. MEAN. You will encounter people you think are mean. Sometimes, they will be mean because they do not like you. Other times, they just want to be mean for the sake of being so. Don't let them get to you and don't become one of them. Focus on what matters in life - love, family and friendship. Be kind, so karma will also be kind to you.
  3. SHAKE IT OFF. Life will not be perfect or easy or fair, and that is okay. It will be still be beautiful and meaningful and magical. Have hope and faith. Be optimistic and realistic at the same time. Never be cynical because there is beauty and magic if you choose to look for them.
  4. LOVE STORY. You will get your heart broken and you may even break some hearts along the way. It will not be the end of the world. Wait for the man who will respect you, who can wait for you, who will love you wholeheartedly, who can stand by you no matter what. Tatay and Kuya Alonzo will beat the crap out of any boy who makes you cry; Nanay will be there to take photos and videos of the action. 
  5. WELCOME TO NEW YORK. The world is yours for the taking. Make it your playground. Whenever you get the chance, travel to new places and make new friends. Take photographs of the important moments of your life so you can relish them again long after the actual moments have passed. Try to live your life without regret.
Anak, know that you will be safe and sound with us, that you are welcome in our home and in our family. We will try our best to be the kind of parents that you can be proud of, but please be patient with us when we falter. We will also try to understand you and to make room for your uniqueness. We will always have your best interests in mind, even when sometimes things will not make sense to you. You will always be in our hearts.

We will see you soon, little girl.


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