To My Sister

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dear M,

Our relationship has not always been easy. There was a time when I resented having a sister, when I didn't quite appreciate the gift of sisterhood. I remember how I used to bully you, how I used to see you simply as someone I had to share a room with. I wish I had seen you then - your beauty, your grace, your light. I wish we had grown closer as sisters and best friends earlier in our lives.

I want you to know that I am proud of you, of the person you've become and the person you're becoming. Despite all the challenges that life has thrown at you, you give back nothing but love and joy. I see you spending your time being our brothers' confidante, our cousins' tutor and a friend to all. I see people succeed because of you. I see how much potential people see in you and how far your talents and passion have taken you. You are amazing.

I know you feel anxious and apprehensive right now. Graduating from the university is a big step forward into the world, away from all that you have known so far about life. It's okay to feel that way, don't worry. All I can tell you is that life after school, the one they call "the real world", is what you make it. You make your own path. That may sound scary and overwhelming but it also sounds like an adventure. You have your whole life ahead of you, and it's time for you to really live your life. You can make your own map, your own schedule, your own goals and your own milestones. Own your life and enjoy every step of the way.

You know what, I'm confident that you will do great things. I see that desire in you to change the world for the better. Find your inspiration and nurture that thirst for change. You will encounter cynics and pessimists along the way - listen to them but never back down on your dreams and aspirations. Your heart already knows what it wants - go out there and make it happen.

Remember that when you think you've failed and when you think there is nowhere else to go, you have me and our family to help you get back on your feet. Remember that you can always come home to recuperate and rethink your way. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, they will make you stronger and wiser. However, do be careful with your heart and with whom you give it to - it's not easy to mend.

Finally, have faith and hope in our Lord. Do it for His glory. Take time to be still so you can hear Him. Let Him steer you gently into the right direction, even when you don't quite understand His way. You will never be lost when you have Him.

Take flight, little sis.

All my love,

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