
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

In a few hours, we will be bidding 2014 adieu and welcoming 2015. Some of us are preparing food and firecrackers; others are preparing to party the night away. Most are thanking the people who made a difference in their lives this year, while others are content reading through various Facebook posts and Twitter updates. A few will get engaged and a couple will contemplate ending the relationship.

Me? I'm starting another blog. Yes, how original.

Why a blog? Therapy, really. A person can have a million thoughts a day - I just want to be able to catalogue a few before they fade away from my memory. I don't quite know yet what I'll be writing about but I imagine it'll be about the books I read, the experiences I have as a mother and wife, the random events I encounter on a daily basis and probably a whole gamut of human emotions.

Let's see.

In the meantime, I bid you all a happy new year!

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